segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

O Senhor está vivo, Ele ressuscitou!

Em Jesus temos toda esperança! Ele é a minha esperança! Passei desde ontem com o coração ligado em todos os que estão em grande sofrimento nestes dias ao redor do mundo e num misto de alegria e tristeza, de enorme gratidão e renovação de oferta irrestrita da minha vida e sofrimento pelo sofrimento da Humanidade, passei esta Páscoa. Só sei que tudo me aponta Jesus, o Cordeiro imolado, seja a dor seja o amor. Talvez a simplicidade das palavras do Santo Padre Bento XVI sejam as mais humildes e verdadeiras, as quais partilho assumindo-as para mim: 

"No nosso coração, há alegria e sofrimento; na nossa face, sorrisos e lágrimas. A nossa realidade terrena é assim. Mas Cristo ressuscitou, está vivo e caminha conosco. Por isso, cantamos e caminhamos, fiéis ao nosso compromisso neste mundo, com o olhar voltado para o Céu. Boa Páscoa a todos!”

Partilho aqui as palavras da homilia do Pe.David Neuhaus, sj, proferidas hoje na celebração pascal com todas as comunidades de católicos de língua hebraica que anualmente nesta data, em Jerusalém. Quem não souber inglês, que use o google translator e viva este tempo pascal saboreando as quatro palavras que ele escolheu como aquelas que traduziriam o tríduo pascal e o domingo de Páscoa, e que me pareceram sábias e bem apropriadas: quinta-feira santa AMOR, sexta-feira santa, REPARAÇÃO, sábado santo, SILÊNCIO e domingo de páscoa, ALEGRIA.

Four words for the Easter season

Sunday, 24 April 2011 06:13

Father David proposes a reflection on four central words connected to the celebration of the central mysteries of the life of Christ, celebrated in the Church during the Triduum and on Easter Sunday.
Holy Thursday: love
The central experience on this day is to participate in the Eucharist and experience Jesus’ love as he gives us his body and blood. During the last supper that Jesus shares with his disciples, he gives them bread and wine to eat to nourish them with his very life, his body and his blood. The act of feeding is one of the most intimate acts of love as can be seen when a mother nurses her child. Israel experienced this in the Wilderness with the gift of manna, God coming to nourish His own in a place of nothingness. Jesus comes in the last supper to feed the disciples with his own life, a life poured out for them. This gift of love is for them despite the fact that they are weak, confused and afraid. One of them will betray him, one of them will deny him and all will abandon him, and despite his knowledge of their fragile humanity, he pours out his life for them on the eve of the violent taking of his life by others.
This gift of love, the gift of his life, is complemented with his stooping down to wash their feet. They are clean as they sit down to eat but their feet must be constantly washed by him as they tread on in their world of darkness and fragility. In his stooping down, Jesus reaches deep into the reality of his all too human disciples and seeks to lift them up with him into the Kingdom of his Father.
In Gethsemane, that same night, Jesus gives perfect expression to his willingness to do his Father’s will, to lead his Father’s children back home.
Good Friday: atonement
The central experience of this day is to contemplate the Crucified one. The people of Israel were commanded to celebrate a day of Atonement once a year, when the high priest made sacrifices to expiate his own sins, the sins of the priests and those of the people and thus renew the covenant with God.
Jesus’ life is taken from him with cruel violence and yet it is a life he has already given of his own free will, a life given for all. He is put to death because of sinners but he freely sacrifices himself to reconcile us with God. His obedience unto death, a brutal death on a cross like a common criminal, brings us back into the embrace of the Father from whom we have been separated by sin.

Gazing on the Crucified one, I am called to realize that he is hanging there through no fault of his own. I must awaken to the stark reality that is for my sins that he hangs there. It should be I hanging there in his place. As I gaze on him, I mourn not only for him but for myself and for all humanity, submerged in darkness, sin, fear and death. We have chosen death over life.
We have put him to death. It is this fundamental awakening to who I am, to who Jesus is, to who God is, who so loved me that He sent His only son, that brings me back to the embrace of the Father. Jesus’ saving act is his awakening me from my slumber. I together with all sinners who believe in him are born anew in the blood and water that gush from his wounded side. This is the at-one-ment with God that Jesus realizes in his death on the cross.

Holy Saturday: quiet

The central experience of this day is quiet, the quiet that comes from the end of activity, the quiet that anticipates new beginnings. As Sabbath approaches, Jesus is laid in a tomb. Silence descends with the Sabbath and yet this is a Sabbath under the shadow of death. Is this the end of the story? Has death swallowed up once again the hope that good will triumph? Holy Saturday is spent in prayer and silence, reflecting on the story until now. This is the day in which the Church experiences a real “Shabbat”, the quiet and calm which are foundations of the spiritual life.
On this day, we must reflect on the image in which we were created – God’s own image. This image destines us to be children of God the Father. We must reflect on how He led us out of slavery into freedom, out of darkness into light, out of nothingness into life. On this day we can reflect on how the “image of God” is what unites us with all His children, called to be one people in a Kingdom of peace, His kingdom. This God of Creation, this God of Salvation… surely He will be victorious over death and raise His son from the tomb… Surely this will be a Saturday of light…
Easter Sunday: joy

The central experience is the discovery of the empty tomb and the experience of amazement that transforms into joy. There is an “after”… ! Despite the human logic that leads to a dead end – an end in darkness, sin, fear and death, God’s fidelity assures that there is an “after”. God does not accept the end that our human weakness imposes on the story of our lives. God opens up the story again in order to accomplish the promises that he has made.
Death has been vanquished through Jesus’ obedience unto death. Sin has failed and fear is no more. Jesus is risen, the sure sign of God’s fidelity and ultimate victory!
The joy that characterizes Easter Sunday is the joy of new beginnings. This is the eighth day, the first day of a new creation in which slavery, sin, fear and death have no place. With Christ’s rising from the dead, his disciples stand at the portal of the new reality of the Kingdom.

The next seven weeks of the Easter season will be a time to prepare to receive the Spirit that Jesus will bestow on his Church at Pentecost.

Que não falte AMOR = a própria presença do Espírito Santo, Ele que ressuscitou Jesus dos mortos, no nosso coração!

Hamashiah Kam! Be emet Kam Halleluya!

(Em hebraico = o Senhor ressuscitou! verdadeiramente ressuscitou Aleluia!)

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Amor, Reparação, Silêncio, Alegria. Valeu!!!