sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010

Starting over, a new beginning

We had mass last night to thank the Lord for the new year celebrated by the Jewish ortodox tradition, and the texts of the Liturgy, as usual, really strucked me. If we are sensitive enough and open enough for the mistery of life in God, behind all concrete reality, presented in each Eucharist Liturgy, we would never be tired or would find dull to go to mass. The Liturgy has this 'power' and function: it leads us to the core of the mistery of the Living God, the Holy Trinity and manking. Too big to fit in a room or mind, too possible to be experienced by our eternal soul which has no boundaries. Last night the mistery touched us gently and softly, however discretely. God doesn't need drums to make Himself present.

The Father, Roman, who is good friend, was also very inspired in his homily and words as if he too was deeply touched by the Word of God.  The Lord is always presenting us a new opportunity of abundant life, he said in good Hebrew. He is always recreating us in His Son Jesus Christ. There is always this open door, this hope, the call to start over, in all levels. Last night He called us to accept this. The spiritual world is not less important than the concrete world we live in and one is deeply linked to the other. What we do here as children of God should contribute to build the Kingdom of God already in this world as Jesus said, aiming the eternal life. 

We are common people and while facing the tremendous complication and complexity of what is around us we may feel afraid, frustrated, hopeless. Sometimes I feel like this, I confess, this is human and natural. However, the Word of God, the Church of God, the People of God, the daily Eucharist Liturgy that I attend, enlighten and nurture my soul and the souls of millions around the world who do the same, and put me back into the right track, the track that invites me to Heaven and leads to the Father. There is no possibility to avoid death. There is the human creation of rehencarnation as a way to explain and get rid of the end but there will end, there is no choice no matter what. The good news of the Gospel is that the end for Christians and the ones who have Jesus Christ is Love and not death. Death is just the ticket and there is nothing to be afraid of as I know who is waiting for me there.

While the train goes on let's rejoice for the all opportunities the Lord gives us to serve, to build this world a better one, allowing God to be God, as He is the one with all the answers for our impossible questions. He is good. He is there waiting for me. The door is open, the Church and the churches are open, there is plenty of material availabe for anyone to start over the faith of the Catholic baptism abandoned God knows why, one day. The same for the ones, who have never heard of Christ Jesus, but thirst for the eternal, thirst for deep and everlasting happiness and meaning of life, thirst for the living God.

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